Re: [Cz-L] Czernowitzer 2006 Reunion News.

From: cornel <>
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2005 16:55:17 -0400 (EDT)

hello to all! i have just read all the emails, and i am very concerned that
we seem at this stage to be splitting into separate groups. i am as much a
czernowitzer as any of you.....but my family had lots of connections with
vienna.. some lived there,some went there to study,some went there on
holiday etc etc etc. i grew up in a family that spoke austrian german and
considered themselves austrian and not rumanian or anything else. i thought
we all wanted to meet up ,compare notes and our shared history. those who
want to start in vienna,fine and good; there is no reason that those who do
not want to see vienna cannot go to czernowitz and arrive at the same time
as the vienna contingent. i feel very strongly that the czernowitz time
should be shared by all. afterwards is up to the individuals, to travel on
or go home or whatever. sorry arthur to disagree with you but the only way
this is a world tour is us scattered lot from all over the world getting
together in one place , the place from where we all originated!!!!
cornel.....auch von czernowitz!
Received on 2005-07-27 15:35:44

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