<I have also been following the discussion of flying in to Czernowitz. I
would like to <qualify myself, I am a retired United States, FAA
Aviations Safety Inspector. I have also <worked for 2 years in the old
Soviet Union and I am familiar with the equipment and the <nonchalant
attitude towards security and safety. My suggestion, fly only with a
western <airline. I would rather be on a rickety bus than on an
Antonov-24 built around 1960. <(picture attached) I believe this is the
aircraft that is used between Kiev and Czernowitz.
<I hope this has not irked some of the interested participants, but this
my opinion. <Best regards <Arthur Rindner
Dear Arthur and other Czernowitzers,-
I agree about the plane travel. We avoided it in Russia 3 years ago
(unlike China today which has modernised all its domestic fleet
ubelievably) and we shall do so again.However, it is offered to those
who are prepared to take the risk due to time constraints.By next year
it might be better in the Ukraine!
Re the plans for next year.As I keep explaining to everyone
repeatedly,people are coming from all over the world. There are at least
a dozen of us coming from Australia alone.It is a world tour for us. In
fact my and my husband's route will be (I already have my tickets in
hand)Mel., Sydney, to Santiago, then Montevideo (for a Convention),then
via New York to Vienna,- 4 stopvers so far! We intend spending 2 months
away, one month in Europe, but whether it will be partly in Bucovina and
Romania or elsewhere after Vienna,- we are not yet decided.(Since it's a
30hr. trip home from there, we also like to stop for a rest in an Asian
city en-route!)
As for the options as shown on the website:
many of us may take the opportunity to take all the options, some will
only take one (Vienna or Czernowitz), some will take all three options.
We will all please ourselves,- I thought we made this quite clear.
Obviously the majority of you will go to Czernowitz,either via Vienna
with the group or on your own,- but I look forward to meet some of you
also in Vienna. (At least I know that Emil Rennert, a resident
list-member in Vienna who may not be able to join us anywhere else, will
meet us there.)
Obviously the pricing will determine who goes where. We are working on
it at the moment.
I hope that this clarifies it for everyone. Please keep the practical
suggestions coming for inclusion in the programs in both Vienna and
Czernowitz as it applies to you and your interests and we shall try to
incorporate it for you personally or if suitable, also for the group.
Details will be posted to the group as soon as they will be arranged.
Please be patient.
Malvina Malinek.
Melbourne, Australia.
Received on 2005-07-27 15:36:04
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