Re: [Cz-L] The Cemetery!

From: Nina Kern <>
Date: Fri, 19 Aug 2005 17:01:36 -0400 (EDT)
To: yossi-jerry <>

Thanks for this information. So, my next question is, do you - or does
anyone - happen to know how one might contact Angelina Nykolayeva? And
how to contact the Cemetary Administration?

I have another question for our group: Anyone know what Yuri is doing
hanging around the cemetery, with what appears to be a crew working with
him, if he is not employed there? I understood, by the way, that Yuri
has written a small book about the Cemetery - anyone familiar with that?

Finally, can you say more about who is Alti Rodal and what the Alti
Rodal delegation is/was?

Thanks - I apologize for not knowing this - I only joined this on-line
community about 6 months ago and so I'm having to catch up on a lot of
what you all already know a lot about!

Best wishes,

yossi-jerry wrote:

> Hello Nina, and List members
> If I'm not mistaken it was I who recommended Mr. Yuri Prestupenko to
> some List members following my visit in 2001.
Received on 2005-08-19 20:50:15

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