Thank you to those who wrote back to me!
My mother is delighted (to say the least) that I have joined this group. =
She doesn't understand the internet much and how it works; but this =
morning I spend about 2 hours with her going through the site, showing =
her pictures etc, and she was amazed that such a group exists. Her =
curiosity has peaked more now and she would like to know if anyone =
remembers her father's haberdashery store Benno Horn; and she also would =
like any pictures of the street she lived in. There was a photo on the =
site of a building with two lions on each side of the stairs up to the =
building... she said she lived opposite this building. Anyone with =
photos of the street or the nearby park please send them to me if you =
have time as she would be thrilled to look at those.
She told me that one of her clearest memories (she has many) and I hope =
my memories are as good as her when I am her age (76) is the burning of =
the temple. She said that the local community was forced out of their =
homes (dressed and undressed) to watch the temple being set alight. She =
said it was a horrible night. On a happier note, she tells me that her =
younger years, her childhood were very happy and she enjoyed playing in =
the park around the corner from her apartment every day; and going to =
the theatre. She tells me that her mother, Anna Horn, had a "standing =
seat" because she couldn't afford a seat; and was very committed to the =
She also tells me that she remembers the famous fruit shop very well (as =
described by another writer here) and the meat shop. Her memories are =
crystal clear, it is quite remarkable.
If anyone wishes to correspond with her or myself, I will pass on.
----- Original Message -----
From: peggy
Sent: Sunday, February 13, 2005 8:07 AM
Subject: new member
Hello everyone,
I am a new member to this group, Peggy (40 yrs old) second generation =
living in Melbourne Australia.
I am the daughter of Marcel and Selma Krauthammer (76 years old each) =
now living in Melbourne Australia. My mother was nee Horn, daughter of =
Anna Horn ( nee Speiler dec). My parents lived in Czernowitz during WW2 =
and my mother's family taken to Trisnesti camp for three years. She and =
her sister (Felicia) and mother (Anna Horn nee Speiler) and father =
(Benno Horn) were taken to camp. Sadly her father Benno did not survive =
the camp but she, her sister and mother were able to get a permit to =
come to Australia after the camp was liberated by the Russians (she =
walked for three weeks with a group back to Cznerowitz). My father's =
family were fortunate in not being taken to camp. My father's parents =
were Netti and Froim Krauthammer and had two brothers (Arthur dec =
Israel) and Dago (Florida) and a sister (Bertha dec Melbourne Aus). He =
came to Australia via Israel. Froim (dad's father) had a sweets factory =
(chocolates), and mother's family had a haberdashery shop in Czernowitz =
before the war.
I have many stories and happy to have found this group. If anyone =
knows either of my parents families or would like to correspond =
generally, please contact me :-)
Peggy K
Received on 2005-02-19 14:05:49
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