[Cz-L] new member

From: Gerd Baumgartner <gbaumgartner_at_aon.at>
Date: Sat, 19 Feb 2005 22:22:13 EST
To: czernowitz-l_at_cornell.edu
Reply-To: gbaumgartner_at_aon.at

dear members of the list,
let me introduce myself:
I am 61 years old and live in Vienna, Austria. I am lawyer by profession,
planning to retire at the end of this year. I am doing a literary and
geneological research on the Family of Leon Rosenzweig, born 1840 in
Czernowicz and his children Eva Byk, Friedrich Rode, Maria Holzer, Walther
Rode, Sophie Brückner, Hedwig Rode, Margarete Neubauer and Otto Rode. Most
of the members of the family changed their family names to "Rode" around
1900. Leon Rode who deceased in 1914 in Vienna, was writer, banker, member
of the Czernowitz city council and later member of parliament of the
Austro-Hungarian monarchy . My main subject of interest is Walther Rode
(1876-1934), a very remarkable writer, journalist and lawyer, who is now
nearly forgotten. I was able to re-publish one of his books in the year
2000. I am, hoever, also very interested in the fate of his siblings and
their offspring.
I visited Czernowitz two years ago and could locate Emmanuel Rode's (Leon
Rodes brother) grave inscription in the jewish cemetry. He died in the year
1906. I had no time during my visit to do any research in the Czernowitz
I would be very grateful for any information regarding the Rosenzweig/Rode
family, participants of this list might be able to submit.
Best wishes to you all
Gerd Baumgartner
Dr. Gerd Baumgartner
Graf Starhemberggasse 7/29
A 1040 Wien, Österreich/Austria
Tel. +43 1 505 15 11
e-mail: gbaumgartner_at_aon.at
Homepage: http://run.to/baumgartner
Received on 2005-02-20 09:51:28

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