Dear Czernowitzers,
A few days ago, I wrote to Zoya Danilovitch at the hotel Cheremosh asking
about the hotel, about transportation to Chernivtsi from Romania and
Transportation to Mogilev. This is the answer I received just now:
<I will answer some of your questions:
on the 5-th floor there are rooms just for couples with one wide bed. They
are not air-conditioned, there are fans in each room.
The cost of the room is 266 hryvna ( the exchange rate is $1 dollar= 5
hryvna now and getting less ). A single room is the same size as a double
room, single rooms are located only on the 11-th floor, the cost is 156
hryvna. If there is a single occupancy in a double room on the 5-th floor it
costs 186 hryvna.
Discounts are made for longer stays more than 1 week, usually it is 10 %,
but all this should be agreed with the general manager. I will try to do
To pick up people in Suceava now is a bit complicated because we Ukrainians,
now need visas to Romania, a multiuse visa costs $ 70, what I mean is that
it will be very hard to find a driver with such a visa. To arrange short
trips is not a problem. By the way there is a train Bucharest-Kiev-Moscow it
goes through Chernivtsi, it is a good internationsl train.
Moscow it goes through Chernivtsi, it is a good international train.
Unfortunately there is no direct train from Chernivtsi to Mogilev, but there
are regular buses.
It is possible to get information from the archive, but this is done on the
spot. People must write an application, indicate what they need to search
and they get a reply in a few days. I will phone them and ask for more
Sorry for may be not answering all that you wanted to know, do not hesitate
ask me any question.>
In a previous letter Zoya wrote the following:
<I can not answer all questions right now. "Cheremosh" is the only hotel
which has a conference room. The rent of conference room is 40$ per hour.
Discount is possible if you will take it for a long time.
Discount prices for hotel rooms: Minimum 10 persons must be in a group,
then they have group prices ( 10 % discount ).
It is possible to organize trips to different places, including Mogilev.
I need to know the number of people and more detailed information, please.
A Sgl room in Cheremosh costs $ 31, a Dbl room $ 54. Breakfast is $ 4 per
person. Dinner $ 8.>
I hope you find this information useful,
Best regards, Mimi
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