Re: [Cz-L] My personal comments re Cz Reunion

From: Miriam Taylor <>
Date: Thu, 01 Sep 2005 15:28:31 -0400 (EDT)
To:, Czernowitz <>

Dear Czernowitzers,

In response to the letter by Charles German and letters which were sent to
me personally by members of the list, I would like to clarify my position
and motives:

I do NOT wish to take over the organization of the proposed Czernowitz
Reunion, nor to organize another one.

Many members of this list would like to meet in Czernowitz for a variety of
reasons. Luba decided on her own, without attempting to ascertain the wishes
of all of us, to organize a reunion in Czernowitz on a date and with a
program of her own choosing. Before sending out the questionnaire to this
list, I suggested to her, that she herself send a questionnaire to the list,
but received no answer.

There may be many in this group who are perfectly satisfied with the
arrangements and plans Luba made. I, and as is evident from the exchange of
letters within this list, many others are not satisfied, in fact are
appalled by some of the arrangements Luba either made or proposes to make.
Charles asks that we all accept Luba's arrangements, I would like to know
what are Luba's objections to a democratic process of arriving at decisions
and an open sharing of factual information?

In the questionnaire there was no specific question addressing the issue of
which hotel we were to stay at. There was a question on the preference for
individual or group hotel accommodation arrangements. Most respondents
preferred group arrangements, some, but not all specifically mentioned their
preference for one of the hotels. I thought that we needed more information
about the two large hotels in Chernivtsi and with this in mind, made
inquiries and sent the information I received to the whole list.

A meeting of Czernowitzers in Czernowitz is very important to many of us,
therefore I am trying to elicit the ideas, suggestions and opinions of all.
I expect that once each one of us has had the opportunity to express their
wishes, we will vote on which proposals are acceptable to the majority and
elect a committee to put these proposals into action.

I'll repeat; I am not organizing a separate group, in fact most of the
people who answered the questionnaire wrote that they wanted us to meet on
the dates proposed by Luba, in order that we all meet at the same time.
This is what I reported to all. If anyone doubts that I reported accurately
on the responses to the questionnaire, given the consent of the authors,
I'll gladly publish all the responses I received.

I suggest that all those who want the plans and program for this reunion to
be arrived at in a democratic manner, say so publicly by E-mail to the whole
list. Similarly, all those who accept Luba's proposals and want me to desist
from my efforts, also E-mail the whole list.

Day, dayenu, or Basta cosi, Mimi

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