Re: [Cz-L] Jewish Bukowina museum picture

From: Miriam Taylor <>
Date: Fri, 17 Oct 2008 10:58:26 -0400
To: Jerome Schatten <>, Czernowitz Genealogy and History <>

Miriam (Mimi) Taylor <>

Dear Jerome and members of the list,

I am sorry that my message caused such annoyance.

Even though this list has more than 250 members, it is rare that
more than 5 - 10 of us write to the list about anyone subject.
That is why I used the word "many".

I had no intention to imply that we as a group object to this picture,
or that we as a group write to the creator of the website.
I only meant that those who do not like it could write to it's creator
and ask him/her to change it to a more appropriate one.

I also mistakenly thought that this website was the website of
the Jewish Museum in Chernivtsi. I have now been informed by others
as well, that this is not so.


> Mimi, et al...
> First off, I object strongly to using the use of 'many of us' in
> communicating displeasure about the picture. I for one see nothing
> wrong with it. Obviously there are others that are neutral or feel the
> same way.
> Those folks who are displeased can privately vent their displeasure
> at the creators of that website rather than intimating that the group
> is displeased. There are after all, over 250 of 'us'.
> As well, I think it would be a mistake, unless you have evidence to
> the contrary, to assume that Natalya Shevchenko is involved in this
> museum.
> Best,
> jerome
> On Thu, 16 Oct 2008 19:55:12 -0700, Miriam Taylor
> <> wrote:
>> Dear All,
>> Since so many of us do not like this picture, let's do something
>> about it. A number of members of this list are either painters or
>> good at working with photographs. If some of them would please
>> design a more suitable picture and send it to Natalya Shevchenko,
>> I am confident that she would be persuaded to place it instead of
>> the current one.
>> As source material I would suggest photographs from our own website,
>> or photographs of Oberrabiner Mark, or Oberrabiner Igel, from Hugo
>> Gold's
>> book.
>> Shabbat Shalom,
>> Mimi
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Received on 2008-10-17 14:58:26

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