[Cz-L] Re: czernowitz-l digest: November 10, 2008

From: <Coraschwartz_at_aol.com>
Date: Tue, 11 Nov 2008 05:58:02 -0500 (EST)
To: czernowitz-l_at_list.cornell.edu
Reply-to: Coraschwartz_at_aol.com

Dear CZ'ers,
Gary's suggestions for inviting Florentin to organize, plan or co-chair the
efforts to publicize the Popovici plaque it is a brilliant idea. I am
sitting here holding the catalogue from his Symposium and see (even though I do not
read Romanian) that the supporters of his organization are many; from the
Elie Wiesel organization based in Bucharest to a cultural Association (to
further) Romanian-Israeli relations to the Romanian Consulate in Cernauti. In
Campulung I met, among many vital, enthusiastic people, Dr. Liviu Beris,
President of the Association of Romanian Jews Victims of Holocaust, and Dr.
Alexandru Florian, Executive Director of Elie Wiesel's Institute of Holocaust
Studies in Romania, As per my observation, Florentin is an energetic, compassionate
man who would do an admirable job of raising knowledge of Popovici and the
plaque to an international level. He knows all the right people to help with
the PR. Whether he has the time, is another story. I know that his being
asked would itself be an honor.
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