[Cz-L] Traian Popoovici Bust-Donations.

Date: Sat, 15 Nov 2008 17:04:30 +0200
To: CZERNOWITZ-L <Czernowitz-L_at_cornell.edu>

All who want to donate for the bust in Fundul Moldovei-the Traian Popovici
  tomb and memory site ,here are the details:

      AERVH Appeal (english version)

    If the businessman Schindler who saved 1000 Jews is known in all the
world (and it is a very good thing), Dr.Traian Popovici is unknown
everywhere, even in his own country.
   Lately, a group of men with good heart had an initiative to create in
Fundul Moldovei (15 km from Campulung Moldovenesc, jud.Suceava) the
“Association for Education, Democracy and Tolerance –Traian Popovici”=
. This
association obtained that the general school in Fundul Moldovei be named
Traian Popovici. Currently, these men, permanently in touch with us, work t=
create a little museum in the school building, dedicated to the life and
activity of Traian Popovici.
   AERVH sustains those efforts and proposes the realization of a bust
representing this true good man which would be situated in a park named
Traian Popovici. The local authorities have promised all their support for=
the completion of this goal.
   The bust would cost between 3000 – 4000 Euro, depending on the materia=
   Hoping that our APPEAL will find an echo in your hearts and it will be a=
occasion to show that the Jews don’t forget the friends who helped them i=
times of need, that the gratitude flowers are not so rare, we propose the=
organizing of a Fund Raising in order to obtain the necessary money.
The donations account is opened at Banc Post S.A.Corneliu Coposu Branch 2=
Sfanta Vineri street,
building 105B Bucharest, sector 3
The account owner is AERVH
IBAN number RO42BPOS73506673468USD01 for USD
IBAN number RO95BPOS73506673468EUR01 for EURO
                                                      Liviu Beris

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