Nina, this is hard to tell by e-mail...
Truth is that a wise man once said that one should never go back to places
where one was happy, and I DID have a very happy childhood until the day the
war broke out...
Anyway, the tears were running when I found my hometown many
I found the house where I grew up - or at least where I spent some
childhood years - I never found my grandfather's house which held so many
memories, there were just box-like blocks there...and, well, there was a
general atmosphere of poverty!
Yet, I suppose I had to go back - in order to close the circle. I had
lived many years in different places, 8 years as far as on a caribbean
island, but Czernowitz had always lived in my heart and in my mind.
So...I simply had to go back, while my husband, who also spent his
childhood and youth there, many more years than I did, claimed that he is
not interested, he has/had no sentimentality at all about the city. Yet, he
came along, because of me!
Anna was simply great!!!
You'll have a wonderful time, I am sure.
All the best, Lucca
----- Original Message -----
From: "Nina Kern" <>
To: "Lucca" <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 07, 2005 3:33 PM
Subject: Re: [Cz-L] Hotels and distances in Ukraine
> Dear Lucca,
> this is wonderful to know. I've e-mailed her and look forward to her
> reply. I am indeed interested to know, what was it like to return
> after many years? If you feel you can share that with me, I would
> welcome your thoughts!
> Best wishes,
> Nina
> Lucca wrote:
> > Hi Nina,
> > My husband and I also travelled with Anna Wiesmeyer, we boarded her
bus in
> >Frankfurt and continued through Austria until we reached Ukraina.
> > I am Czernowitz born and still very nostalgic about my native city,
> >although more than half a century has gone by since I lived there.
> >back can I describe it? This is not the time or the place.
> > Anyway what I wanted to tell you: Anna is a perfect guide, although
> >travelled all over the world, spent some years on a caribbean island
> >call now Israel my home - I can tell you that as far as guides are
> >concerned, Anna was one of the best, if not THE best. She was
> >concerned about her guests' well-being - to give you an example: she
got up
> >at dawn and rode to Rosch, a village near Caernowitz, in order to get
us the
> >special Rosch bread and cheese for our breakfast!
> > All the best, Lucca
> >
> >
Received on 2005-06-11 19:32:41
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