[Cz-L] Re: Andy Halmay's Email regarding the unveiling of the Plaque

From: Miriam Taylor <mirtaylo_at_indiana.edu>
Date: Mon, 10 Nov 2008 12:38:14 -0400
To: ANDREW HALMAY <venivici_at_rogers.com>, Czernowitz Genealogy and History <czernowitz-l_at_list.cornell.edu>
Reply-to: Miriam Taylor <mirtaylo_at_indiana.edu>

Miriam (Mimi) Taylor <mirtaylo_at_indiana.edu>

This morning I received Email from Dr. Bursuc in which he writes:

> Der Proekt von den Tabel "Popowitch" ist fertig, untergeschrieben.
> Ich hoffe bis zum Ende November werden wir bekomen die Erlaubnis und alles
> Endigen

English translation:

The project of the Popovici plaque is ready, it is signed.
I hope that by the end of November we will get the permission and finish

As I wrote before, I made no plans whatsoever for the unveiling and do not
know what is customary or permitted in Chernivtsi on such occasions.
I will inquire into this. I doubt that as a non-citizen of Chernivtsi,
I will be able to make arrangements for a ceremonial unveiling, if such
ceremonies are not customary, or are organized independently by the city.

Should it be possible to have such a ceremony and should I be asked
for a list of invited guests, I will include in this list anyone who
was saved from deportation by either a Popovici authorization or
a Calotescu authorization (since those were obtained due to the efforts
of Popovici). Also representatives of the Holocaust museum in Washington DC,
Yad-Vashem in Jerusalem, Florentin Lehaci, as the head of the Traian
Popovici society, the Israeli, Romanian and US Ambassadors or consuls to
Ukraine, representatives of the city administration of Chernivtsi and it's
Jewish community.



> Florentin Lehaci makes a very good point when he asks about what are the plans
> for the time when the plaque is finally unveiled. Mimi has had such a
> struggle getting approval for the plaque that there was little thought given
> to the unveiling itself.
> We have two points of view at the moment on the quality of relations between
> Romania and the Ukrainians running what was once our town. Conceivably both
> views may be right since individuals among the city's rulers may be at odds
> with each other on this issue.
> But now, assuming the approval is truly fait accompli, there can be no more
> rationalization over the risk of official Romanian involvement, which would be
> most appropriate. At this point it might be in order to also invite the
> participation of the City Council in plans for the unveiling and certainly an
> international press release should be issued announcing the event - it will
> remind the world of an heroic man and of the fate of so many of Czernowitzers.
> As an inducement to the more negative individuals at Cz City Hall, this will
> also help put Cz on the map and will function as tourism promotion.
> Andy Halmay
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